We have a winner

Well, 1999 passed into the year 2000 without a hitch, and as a result, we get to participate in what I still think is the greatest NHL Hockey Playoff pool that I am aware of:  The 3206...And Beyond Hockey Pool.  Unfortunately, a few of the previous years participants didn't get the message about the non-cataclysmic New Year and are apparently still holed up in their bunkers with their 30 year supply of Spam and bottled water.  In all fairness, Rich and I weren't exactly on the ball in getting the word out about the league this year, and as a result, we are a few people short of last years total.  Still, the competition will be fierce. 

As you can see, we've put together a new web site or the league.  I'm trying to keep it simple for easy loading.  Not all of the pages will be done immediately, but I'll do my best to get the whole thing up to speed as time permits.

If you have any comments or suggestions about what we can do with the site, let Rich or me know.









(Smaller font by Sue)

  I think mention needs to made of those brave souls who took the time (under a pretty tight deadline, I might add) to do the research and put a roster together for this years pool:

Name Team
Tom Archambault The Pumping Engines
Julie Feiring Callous Frigid Chill
Shane Heald Natives Getting Restless Now
Brady Klejeski Dirty, Dirty Whore
Richard Powell Bodies Out on the Ice
Shelly Powell Fearless Wretches
Chris Ritchie Whipping Boy Done Wrong
We need to remember one thing as we go through this epic battle:  We are not playing for the money, we are not playing for the glory, we are not playing for the pride (well, maybe a little).  What we are playing for is the right to hold possession of for one year  the greatest sports trophy that used to be a spittoon:  The K-Cup. 

If you click on the little hockey player guy in the lower left hand corner, it will link you to a test page.  The page has the same basic design with a different color scheme based on North Star colors as opposed to the Vikingesque colors used on the site as a whole.  The only problem with the test page colors is that they sort of resemble another NFL teams colors.  Let me know what you think, or if you have any other good color schemes I could try. 
